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3 Ways Acceptance Helps You Work Through Difficult Emotions

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for dealing with difficult emotions by promoting awareness, acceptance, and a non-reactive response to challenging experiences.

Here are 3 ways mindfulness helps in managing difficult emotions:

Allowing difficult feelings to be in awareness means registering their presence before making a choice about how to respond to them. Heightened awareness of the present moment, including emotions as they arise, enables you to recognize emotional triggers and patterns, allowing for more intentional and skillful responses. Even if it doesn't feel like it, you always have a choice how to respond. You do not have to be trapped by negative thoughts or outside triggers. By practicing awareness of the present moment, you allow yourself to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of your feelings. This deeper understanding helps you make better choices in the moment and gives you more emotional stability and clarity, and reduces the effect of outside energies. This takes practice and yes, it will be uncomfortable at first, but that's why we use the term "practice mindfulness". It is a is always in development...we are always in development of our best self.

Woman sitting on the beach
Without judgment

Mindfulness emphasizes accepting emotions without judgment, avoiding labels of good or bad, right or wrong. "Without judgment" may be the hardest part of this practice for many of us. Have you ever stopped to think about how judgmental you really are of yourself? It's what society calls for...right or wrong, black or white, good or bad. Being judgmental is exhausting and limiting. It comes from a place of fear and creates anxiety. Instead of resisting or suppressing difficult emotions, mindfulness teaches you to acknowledge and accept them as temporary experiences. This non-judgmental acceptance reduces the emotional charge associated with the feelings, fostering a sense of peace and reducing the impact of the emotions on overall well-being. I invite you to explore how judgmental you are of yourself and others, and experience how it has limited you.

The word breathe in neon sign
Remember to breathe

As you practice developing a non-judgmental thought process, take a pause between the experience of an emotion and your response to it. You may be thinking, "I have no control over my brain, it just reacts." The good news is you do have control. The brain gives us 6 seconds to choose our response before it defaults into fight, flight, or freeze. By being aware, you can create a space for reflection and choose how to respond to difficult emotions. Give yourself the time to create an intentional response. It may involve deciding on a course of action, seeking support, or simply allowing the emotions to be without being overwhelmed by them. It helps break the automatic and often unhelpful patterns of reacting to emotions. You are in control. Be a star in your life and not a spectator.

In summary, mindfulness helps in dealing with difficult emotions by increasing awareness of these emotions, fostering non-judgmental acceptance, and promoting a responsive, intentional approach to emotional experiences. Through regular mindfulness practice, we develop the skills to navigate the complexities of our emotional landscape with greater ease and resilience. Mindfulness is a gift you give to yourself...and you deserve it!

Stay mindful,

Cynthia, Founder

Bougie Beach Vida


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